| Post date: 2021/10/12 |
Respectfully remind the researchers how to prepare a speech presentation file and a poster presentation file is available by clicking on the links below.
Speech presentation file preparation guide
Poster presentation file preparation guide
It should also be noted that in addition to the mp4 files that are prepared according to the above links, dear participants are required to send their ppt files and posters to the seminar secretariat via email.
Also, it should also be noted that we did not consider a specific template for the ppt file of posters or the ppt file of lectures so that participants could use their individual creativity to better present themselves.
However, each poster ppt file must include the following:
1) Logo of the presenter university
2) Logo of the host university (Tarbiat Modares)
3) Seminar logo and seminar name in English
4) Name of the presenter
5) The logo of the Iranian Chemical Society
6) A QR Code that includes a Skype link to the group chat of the poster presenter. This group chat in the Skype profile of the person presenting the poster with the title of article number, must be created by the person and the link of this group chat page must be QR Code at the bottom right of the poster. In this case, when the posters are displayed at the Seminar, By scanning this QR Code, participants can go to the group chat page of the presenter and see the poster there, and if they have a scientific question, ask the person presenting the poster and have a scientific exchange.
7) In addition to QR Code, a Skype group chat link should be placed in the poster so that those who can not use the QR Code capabilities, can click on that link to be directed to the group chat page of the poster presenter.
7) QR Code is not required for the speakers and is optional but required for all posters.
8) A guide file on how to prepare a QR Code and how it relates to the Skype group chat link will be posted on the website soon.
Speech presentation file preparation guide
Poster presentation file preparation guide
It should also be noted that in addition to the mp4 files that are prepared according to the above links, dear participants are required to send their ppt files and posters to the seminar secretariat via email.
Also, it should also be noted that we did not consider a specific template for the ppt file of posters or the ppt file of lectures so that participants could use their individual creativity to better present themselves.
However, each poster ppt file must include the following:
1) Logo of the presenter university
2) Logo of the host university (Tarbiat Modares)
3) Seminar logo and seminar name in English
4) Name of the presenter
5) The logo of the Iranian Chemical Society
6) A QR Code that includes a Skype link to the group chat of the poster presenter. This group chat in the Skype profile of the person presenting the poster with the title of article number, must be created by the person and the link of this group chat page must be QR Code at the bottom right of the poster. In this case, when the posters are displayed at the Seminar, By scanning this QR Code, participants can go to the group chat page of the presenter and see the poster there, and if they have a scientific question, ask the person presenting the poster and have a scientific exchange.
7) In addition to QR Code, a Skype group chat link should be placed in the poster so that those who can not use the QR Code capabilities, can click on that link to be directed to the group chat page of the poster presenter.
7) QR Code is not required for the speakers and is optional but required for all posters.
8) A guide file on how to prepare a QR Code and how it relates to the Skype group chat link will be posted on the website soon.
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- Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 September 2021
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