Registration information

 | Post date: 2021/10/6 | 
Greetings and best regards

Yours sincerely, Registration of applicants to participate in the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar for three groups of applicants is done as follows:

* Student
* Science Committee
* Non-student and faculty

Registration in the initial stage is free and after the final acceptance of the papers, the cost of attending the seminar will be received from the applicants.

Also, for applicants who request to attend the seminar without presenting an article, no fee will be received at this stage, and after the final announcement of the results of the article judging, the necessary expenses to attend the seminar for each of the registration groups mentioned above It will be announced later.

Respectfully, in order to complete the registration, please refer to the site address >> Participate in the seminar >> Registration form.

Click here to download the registration help file.

#### Participation costs in the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics seminar

The cost of participating in the 8th Biennial Chemometrics seminar consists of two parts:
A) Costs related to registration in the seminar
B) Costs related to the Iranian Chemical Society

A) Costs related to registration in the seminar

The cost of attending the seminar along with presenting an article

Student (by presenting a student card) 1,000,000 Rials.
Non-student 1,500,000 Rials.

- For each article in addition to the first article, half of the above amount should be paid as a separate receipt (the title of the second and third articles, etc. should be mentioned in the subject line of the email)

seminar fee without submitting a paper (for applicants who do not submit a paper)

Student (by presenting a student card) 1,000,000 Rials.
Non-student 1,500,000 Rials.

In order to pay the fee, please deposit the above amounts according to the applicant company (without submitting an article or by submitting an article) to the following account number and the image of the payment slip (along with the image of the student card for students) to the email address of the seminar Enter the email subject of the article number and the name and surname of the applicant.

Account Name: Exclusive Revenues of Tarbiat Modares University with Central Bank (Rial Branch)
Account number: 4001075003007294
Shaba number: IR 520100004001075003007294
Deposit ID number: 361075074140103007716813000000

**** Dear researchers, for whom it is difficult to pay through the above payment IDs, you can send the registration fee to the following account number (and card number) and send the image of the deposit slip to chemo2021modares. with the title of the article number and their name and surname.

Card number: 5859831106166324
Account number: 3810536852
Shaba number: IR 370180000000003810536852

The card number and account number belong to the executive secretary of the seminar at Tejarat Bank, Tarbiat Modares University branch
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------
B) The cost of registration fee of the Iranian Chemical Society

Student (member of the Society) 250,000 Rials.
Student (non-member of the Society) 500,000 Rials.

Non-student (member of the Society) 500,000 Rials.
Non-student (non-member of the Society) 750,000 Rials.

* Participants are required to deposit the registration fee of the Chemical Association according to the items provided above in the name of the Iranian Chemical Association through the following web portal.

* Non-member students should deposit the registration fee of the association to the account of the Iranian Chemical Association to the account number of the association 0134008970 and to the night number IR440180000000000134008970 and send the image of the deposited receipt along with the confirmation received from the Iranian Chemical Association to the seminar email ( As well as the email address of the Iranian Chemistry Association ( In the subject line of the email, mention the article number and the name and surname of the applicant for participation in the seminar.
* All registrants, members and non-members, in the webinar are required to receive a payment certificate from the Secretariat of the Chemical Society and submit it to the Secretariat of the webinar.

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Seminar Poster

Important Dates

  • Starting registration: 31 May 2021
  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 September 2021
  • Final Decision on Abstracts: 2 October 2021
  • Conference: 10-11 November 2021

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