May 31, 2021 - Launching the site of the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar

 | Post date: 2021/10/4 | 
The site of the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar was launched.

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July 29, 2021-How to register and submit an article to the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar

 | Post date: 2021/10/5 | 
Welcome to the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometric Seminar at Tarbiat Modares University

The time to register and submit an article to the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometric Seminar has been extended until September 1.

Also, the Seminar will be held in a webinar and online.

best regards,
Click to download the registration guide.
Click to download the article submission guide file.
Click to download the article writing guide file.

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September 23, 2021 - Registration fees for the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar

 | Post date: 2021/10/5 | 
Costs of participating in the 8th Biennial Chemometrics Seminar 

The cost of participating in the 8th Biennial Chemometrics Seminar consists of two parts:

A) Costs related to registration for the seminar
B) Costs related to the Iranian Chemical Society

A) Costs related to registration for the seminar

* The cost of attending the seminar along with submitting a paper

Student (by presenting a student card)            1000000 Rials
Non-student                                                  1500000 Rials

- For each article in addition to the first paper, half of the above amount should be paid as a separate receipt (the title of the second and third articles, etc. should be mentioned in the subject of the email)

* The cost of attending the seminar without submitting a paper (for applicants who do not submit a paper)

Student (by presenting a student card)            1000000 Rials
Non-student                                                  1500000 Rials

Account Name:         Exclusive Revenues of Tarbiat Modares University with Central Bank (Rial Branch)
Account number:      4001075003007294
Shaba number:          IR 520100004001075003007294
Deposit ID number:  361075074140103007716813000000

**** Dear researchers, whose payment is difficult through the above payment IDs, can send the registration fee to the following account number (and card number) and send the image of the deposit slip to with the title of the article number and their name and surname.

Card number: 5859831106166324
Account number: 3810536852
Shaba number: IR 370180000000003810536852

The card number and account number belong to the executive secretary of the seminar at Tejarat Bank, Tarbiat Modares University branch.

B) Costs related to the Iranian Chemical Society

Student (member of the association)             250000 Rails
Student (non-member of the association)       500000 Rials

Non-student (member of the association)        500000 Rials
Non-student (non-member of the association)  750000 Rials

* Participants are required to deposit the registration fee of the Chemical Society according to the items provided above in the name of the Iranian Chemical Society through the following web portal.

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September 2, 2021 - Extension of time for submitting articles until September 8, 2021

 | Post date: 2021/10/6 | 
Greetings and best regards to dear researchers,
While thanking and appreciating the dear researchers for submitting papers on time to the 8th Biennial Iranian Chemometrics seminar, since the process of submitting papers continues, the deadline for submitting papers will be extended for one week until
September 8, 2021. It should also be noted that the deadline will no longer be extended. Dear researchers, please send your articles in on time and faster.
Thank you very much for your kindness and cooperation.

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October 9, 2021 -List of orations and posters in 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar

 | Post date: 2021/10/12 | 
Greetings and best regards, Dear Researchers,

Yours sincerely, The judging stage of the articles submitted to the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar has been completed and how to presentation of articles in the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar is as follows (by clicking on the link below, the file of title and how to presentation of articles is available)

*List of orations and posters in 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar

*Also reminds researchers whose paper has been accepted are required:

* Prepare a presentation file in mp4 format with a time of about 10 to 15 minutes and send it to the seminar secretariat.

* The maximum acceptable size for a presentation is 25 MB.

* For this purpose, it is recommended to use the Screen Recording option, which is available in the Insert icon in PowerPoint software.

* After creating a video in the PowerPoint software environment, by saving it as mp4, you can prepare your speech file.

* Subject to the maximum size of 25 MB, researchers can also use other Screen Recorder software such as Ocam software.

  Dear researchers, you can convert mp4 files to rar format to create a smaller file.

* Researchers are required to send their PowerPoint file and poster to the seminar secretariat to the email address

* Researchers who give lectures:

1) They should prepare a presentation for a 10-15 minutes speech and talk about it and file it in mp4 format and send it to

2) Send your lecture file in ppt format to the seminar secretariat at the email address

* Researchers who submit posters should also do the following:

1) Talk on your poster file (1 PowerPoint page) for 10-15 minutes and present your work and save your speech file from the Screen Recording menu in the Insert section of PowerPoint software and convert it to mp4 format and send to the email address
2) Create a Skype account and create a group chat environment called article title (or article number or presenter name) and put the link of this group chat environment in your poster.
3) The link to the Skype group chat environment can be accessed both as a link accessible by clicking and visually using QR CODE.

4) Send your poster file to the secretariat at the email address

5) It is necessary to explain that to create QR CODE, you can use many online software that exists for this purpose. The QR CODE image and the Skype clickable link should be at the bottom right of the poster.

* Finally, all lecture files and posters will be placed on the seminar website and will be available to the public.

* In the poster section, and at the time of presenting the poster, people can enter the Skype page of the presenter by scanning QR CODE and engage in scientific interaction.

* All participants need to install Skype software on their mobile or computer.

* Important *

Dear researchers, please send the following files to the e-mail address of the seminar secretariat by 20 October at the latest:

1) Presentation in mp4 format with a maximum size of 25 MB (both for speech and for poster)

2) Speech file in ppt format (for speech)

3) Postert file in ppt format (for poster) including link and QR CODE for Skype

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 October 10, 2021 - Guide to preparing the speech presentation file and the poster presentation file

 | Post date: 2021/10/12 | 
Respectfully remind the researchers how to prepare a speech presentation file and a poster presentation file is available by clicking on the links below.

Speech presentation file preparation guide

Poster presentation file preparation guide

It should also be noted that in addition to the mp4 files that are prepared according to the above links, dear participants are required to send their ppt files and posters to the seminar secretariat via email.

Also, it should also be noted that we did not consider a specific template for the ppt file of posters or the ppt file of lectures so that participants could use their individual creativity to better present themselves.
However, each poster ppt file must include the following:
1) Logo of the presenter university
2) Logo of the host university (Tarbiat Modares)
3) Seminar logo and seminar name in English
4) Name of the presenter
5) The logo of the Iranian Chemical Society
6) A QR Code that includes a Skype link to the group chat of the poster presenter. This group chat in the Skype profile of the person presenting the poster with the title of article number, must be created by the person and the link of this group chat page must be QR Code at the bottom right of the poster. In this case, when the posters are displayed at the Seminar, By scanning this QR Code, participants can go to the group chat page of the presenter and see the poster there, and if they have a scientific question, ask the person presenting the poster and have a scientific exchange.
7) In addition to QR Code, a Skype group chat link should be placed in the poster so that those who can not use the QR Code capabilities, can click on that link to be directed to the group chat page of the poster presenter.
7) QR Code is not required for the speakers and is optional but required for all posters.
8) A guide file on how to prepare a QR Code and how it relates to the Skype group chat link will be posted on the website soon.

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October 18,2021- QR-Code and Skype account preparation guide

 | Post date: 2021/10/22 | 
Greetings and best regards

Respectfully, the QR-Code and Skype account preparation guide for the posters are available below.

QR-Code and Skype account preparation guide

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October 31, 2021- Schedule of the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar

 | Post date: 2021/10/31 | 
Greetings and best regards to dear researchers,

Yours sincerely, The schedule of the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar is available through the following link:

Schedule of the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar

Hoping to see you at the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar

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November 4, 2021- Link to access to cyberspace of 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar

 | Post date: 2021/11/4 | 
Greetings and best regards to dear researchers,

Respectfully, the cyberspace for access to the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar is available through the following link:

The password to enter the seminar is 777176,

Hoping to see you at the 8th Iranian Biennial Chemometrics Seminar 

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Seminar Poster

Important Dates

  • Starting registration: 31 May 2021
  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 September 2021
  • Final Decision on Abstracts: 2 October 2021
  • Conference: 10-11 November 2021

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